Bigudíes for eyelash perm, Wimpernwelle Wimpernwelle - 1
    • Bigudíes for eyelash perm, Wimpernwelle Wimpernwelle - 1
    • Bigudíes for eyelash perm, Wimpernwelle Wimpernwelle - 2

    Bigudíes for eyelash perm, Wimpernwelle

    Pack of Bigudíes rulitos for the correct realization of the permanent eyelashes. Wimpernwelle

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    Quantity :

    Pack of Bigudíes rulitos for the correct realization of the permanent eyelashes. Wimpernwelle

    Rulitos for the realization of the permanent eyelashes. Wimpernwelle

    Each pack includes 16 units, except for the XXL which includes 14 units.

    Attention: To guarantee a correct subjectionof the bigudí and avoid its detachment during the treatment, it is essential to eliminate the remains of fat with the Physiological orGica Solution

    And highly recommended the Remover to take off bigudíes and glue to take off the bigudíes and remove traces of glue with ease.

    Specific references
